These are pictures of the movie director Brian Loatman directing movies. The movies were all shot without a camera, without actors and
with no sound. The titles of the movies are “the movie that does not exist #1,” “the movie that does not exist #2,” ”the movie that does
not exist #3,” “the movie that does not exist #4,” “the movie that does not exist #5” “the movie that does not exist #6,” “the movie that
does not exist #7,” “the movie that does not exist #8,” and “the movie that does not exist #9. They have all been screened at the Marion
Royael Gallery.
directing the movie that does not exist #1.jpg
directing the movie that does not exist #2.jpg
directing the movie that does not exist #3.jpg
directing the movie that does not exist #4.jpg
directing the movie that does not exist #5.jpg
directing the movie that does not exist #6.jpg
directing the movie that does not exist #7.jpg
directing the movie that does not exist #8.jpg
directing the movie that does not exist 9.jpg